Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How Would You Like To Be Thrown Into Jail Without A Trial?

I almost fell off my chair when I heard Senator Rand Paul in the following interview:

So they have actually had a bill proposed that would allow government officials to imprison U.S. citizens indefinitely, without a trial, based on someone's personal opinion? The wording that was used in this report by Ms. Crowly gave me an eerie feeling. She used phrases like "hostilities against the United States" and "acts of war against the United States".

It would seem to me that all of the participants in the Occupy movement, including me, could be thrown into that category. The one thing that is not clarified, however, is the fact that we have the lawful right to war against the U.S. government if they are doing wrongful acts. It is our duty as American citizens to fight for what is right.

I want to know the names of every Congressional member that voted in favor of this bill. Their constituents need to be alerted about how dangerous this bill would have been had it passed. It is my prayer that people like this will not be re-elected.

This should have been BIG on the news. The only way I heard about it was through a newsletter I receive on the internet. As we all know, the news is not the truth...it is what "they" want us to hear. That will change if I have anything to say about it.

FOX News has got to stop blaming the Muslims for what happened on 9-11. Most Americans are waking up to what really happened and it makes me sick to think that our own government officials participated in it. The truth will come forth in time and God already knows who did what. The true terrorists will indeed get the worse punishment possible...that of eternal damnation.

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